Our School

Tutor Time

At Fir Vale, students will have contact with their form tutor on a weekly basis. Each week there is a theme. These themes allows students to:
  • Develop their character

  • Help them to know how to keep physically and mentally healthy

  • Help them to know how to stay safe online

  • Prepare them for modern life in Britain

During tutor time, students participate in relevant activities and are part of an assembly. Assemblies take place on a weekly basis in year groups. These largely follow the same pattern as the theme and are delivered by members of the SLT, Pastoral Teams or relevant teaching staff. Assemblies are an opportunity for key messages to be disseminated, but are also a time of reflection and a time for students to spend time in stillness in a larger collective setting.

Assemblies are also an opportunity for special events and occasions within the school calendar, including student recognition and key events such as, Black History Month. Assemblies are often delivered through external visitors.

Votes for Schools

'Votes for Schools' is used in Tutor Time to give our students a better knowledge of current affairs and get them voting. Tutors deliver the theme, for example "Is the internet driving us apart?" and students discuss their thoughts as a group. This is then debated before they vote. 'Votes for Schools' allows students access to topics they might not usually be aware of, therefore educating them on issues in wider society. This is part of the schools' drive on expanding Cultural Capital within our curriculum.  


Newsround is a programme specifically designed to inform young people on what is currently happening around the world. Tutors use this resource to educate and encourage students to discuss their thoughts and feelings around current issues.