Our School

University Outreach

Fir Vale School is a “HEPPSY” (Higher Education Progression Partnership School). This enables us to make strong links with the Universities of Sheffield and other universities. All students in Y7 and Y8 will receive a presentation from the University of Sheffield. Students in Y9, Y10 and Y11 will receive multiple sessions, and build upon their previous learning.

The aim is to ensure that all of our students have the opportunity to develop their:

  • Higher Education knowledge

  • Career knowledge

  • Academic confidence

  • Future self

Alongside this work, Year 9 students have the opportunity to be part of the USISM (University of Sheffield in Schools Mentoring) programme, whereby they attend a weekly mentoring session with an undergraduate mentor and take part in a campus visit to the University of Sheffield.

Students also have the opportunity to attend university taster days in areas such as Social Sciences, Maths, Sciences and the Arts. We also attend events at the University such as “Girls in STEM” (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths).

We also host visits from the University of Cambridge to allow our students to explore the highest academic aspiration.